Recherche sur le foncier rural au Sud Structurer Valoriser Dynamiser

Hautdidier Baptiste

Communications des JTF

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Cette recherche utilise l'identifiant unique Hal (authIdHal_t) renseigné par Baptiste Hautdidier

76 documents

  • B. Hautdidier, R. Laplana, H. Mahboubi. Description of spatial databases: Public Deliverable D6.6, PRIMA collaborative project, EU 7th Framework Programme, contract no. 212345. [Research Report] irstea. 2011, pp.19. ⟨hal-02597733⟩
  • N. Turpin, B. Hautdidier, Guillaume Deffuant, M. Raley. PRIMA, scaling up of case studies. TRUST/RUFUS Workshop Diversities of rural areas in Europe and beyond, Aug 2010, Hannovre, Germany. ⟨hal-02595392⟩
  • B. Hautdidier, D. Gautier. Empowered woodcutters in an impoverished forest? Local struggles around the management and the ecology of Malian mesic savannas. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Apr 2010, Washington, United States. pp.37. ⟨hal-02593523⟩
  • Diana Kopeva, K. Brscic, A. Dobruchowski, R. Franic, G. Garrod, et al.. Socio-economic characteristics of case study sites (regions and laus) and alternative scenarios for multifunctional land use activities on national and regional scales. Deliverable n° D1.3. [Research Report] irstea. 2010, pp.172. ⟨hal-02595422⟩
  • Aurélie Bousquet, Anne Gassiat, B. Hautdidier. Les bases de données d'occupation du sol : des réalités plurielles. 2010, pp.4. ⟨hal-02594513⟩
  • Diana Kopeva, O. Baquiero, R. Franic, G. Garrod, B. Hautdidier, et al.. Critical analysis and assessment of EU policy on multifunctional land use activities on national and regional level D1.1 PRIMA collaborative project, EU 7th Framework Programme, contract no. 212345. [Research Report] irstea. 2010, pp.103. ⟨hal-02595391⟩
  • Diana Kopeva, R. Franic, G. Garrod, B. Hautdidier, M. Konecna, et al.. Assessing capacity gaps in the demand and supply side of resources, institutions and legislation. [Research Report] irstea. 2009, pp.16. ⟨hal-02595419⟩
  • B. Hautdidier. Description of the website. [Research Report] irstea. 2009, pp.15. ⟨hal-02595442⟩
  • R. Laplana, B. Hautdidier, N. Turpin. Definition of the preliminary project plan D0.1 PRIMA collaborative project, EU 7th Framework Programme, contract no. 212345. [Research Report] irstea. 2009, pp.37. ⟨hal-02595418⟩
  • Frédéric Zahm, Sylvain Chabe-Ferret, Dominique Vollet, B. Hautdidier, Sylvie Lafon, et al.. Assistance méthodologique à la préparation de l'évaluation ex-post du PDRN 2000-2006 en matière de soutien à l'agroenvironnement : rapport synthèse annexe 2. irstea. 2008, pp.108. ⟨hal-02590717⟩