Recherche sur le foncier rural au Sud Structurer Valoriser Dynamiser

Sinfort Carole

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43 documents

  • Marie Josephe Amiot-Carlin, Sophie Drogue, Nicole Darmon, Marlène Perignon, Carole Sinfort, et al.. How to orientate production and food supply in a sustainable nutritional perpective? Result from the medina project. 12. Journées de recherches en sciences sociales, Société Française d'Economie Rurale (SFER). FRA.; Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD). FRA.; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). FRA.; Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes Atlantique (ONIRIS). FRA.; Université de Nantes (UN). FRA., Dec 2018, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-02738361⟩
  • Nesrine Kalboussi, Sébastien Roux, Bruno Cheviron, Jérôme Harmand, Alain Rapaport, et al.. Apport de la modélisation pour l’aide à la décision en vue de la réutilisation agricole des eaux usées traitées. Colloque International Sciences et Techniques de l’Eau & de l’Environnement (STEE'2018), Noureddine GAALOUL, Oct 2018, Hammamet, Tunisie. pp.6. ⟨hal-01975491⟩
  • Marlène Perignon, Jalila El Ati, Sophie Drogue, Nicole Darmon, Marie Josephe Amiot-Carlin, et al.. An hybrid approach to compute land use and water deprivation impacts of national diets. SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, May 2018, Rome, Italy. 2018. ⟨hal-02786429⟩
  • Eric Verger, Marlène Perignon, Jalila El Ati, Nicole Darmon, Marie-Claude Dop, et al.. A “Fork-to-Farm” Multi-Scale Approach to Promote Sustainable Food Systems for Nutrition and Health: A Perspective for the Mediterranean Region. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2018, 5 (30), pp.30. ⟨10.3389/fnut.2018.00030⟩. ⟨hal-01848425⟩
  • Nesrine Kalboussi, Sébastien Roux, Bruno Cheviron, Jérôme Harmand, Alain Rapaport, et al.. Apport de la modélisation pour l’aide à la décision en vue de la réutilisation agricole des eaux usées traitées. Journal International Sciences et Techniques de l'Eau et de l'Environnement, 2018, 3 (1), pp.102-107. ⟨hal-01975462v3⟩
  • Marlène Perignon, Jalila El Ati, Carole Sinfort, Sophie Drogue, Nicole Darmon, et al.. Quels changements de consommation pour une alimentation plus durable en Tunisie ?. JFN 2017, Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Dec 2017, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-02737052⟩
  • Marlène Perignon, Jalila El Ati, Carole Sinfort, Sophie Drogue, Nicole Darmon, et al.. Which dietary changes to move towards nutritionally adequate diets without increasing their impact on biodiversity, water and land-use?. 3. International Conference on Global Food Security, Dec 2017, Le Cap, South Africa. 21 p. ⟨hal-02785370⟩
  • Marlène Perignon, Jalila El Ati, Carole Sinfort, Sophie Drogue, Nicole Darmon, et al.. Which dietary changes to move towards nutritionally adequate diets without increasing their impact on biodiversity, water and land-use? The case of Tunisia. IUNS 21. ICN International Congress of Nutrition, Oct 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Karger, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 71, 2017, IUNS. 21st International Congress of Nutrition. Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 15-20, 2017: Abstracts. ⟨hal-02737876⟩
  • Marlène Perignon, Jalila El Ati, Carole Sinfort, Sophie Drogué, Nicole Darmon, et al.. Which dietary changes to move towards nutritionally adequate diets without increasing their impact on biodiversity, water and land-use? The case of Tunisia. IUNS 21. ICN International Congress of Nutrition, International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS). INT., Oct 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ⟨hal-02733918⟩
  • Carole Sinfort, Marlène Perignon, Jalila El Ati, Sophie Drogue, Nicole Darmon, et al.. Environmental impacts of national diets: Comparison of land use and water deprivation impacts in France and Tunisia. 21. International Congress of Nutrition (ICN), Oct 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1 p., 2017. ⟨hal-02785684⟩