Recherche sur le foncier rural au Sud Structurer Valoriser Dynamiser

Le Page Christophe

Communications des JTF

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96 documents

  • Bruce Edmonds, Gert Jan Hofstede, Jennifer Koch, Christophe Le Page, Theo Lim, et al.. Chimaera Modelling – when the modellers must reconcile inconsistent elements or purposes. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 2025, 6, pp.18593. ⟨10.18174/sesmo.18593⟩. ⟨hal-04872087⟩
  • Neriane Nascimento Da Hora, Nathan Almeida Da Silva, Marie-Paule Bonnet, Gustavo Melo, Joine Cariele Evangelista Do Vale, et al.. Coconstrução de um jogo sério por meio da modelagem de acompanhamento para fortalecer a governança da pesca artesanal na região do Baixo Amazonas. 2024, pp.109 - 118. ⟨10.38116/brua32art10⟩. ⟨hal-04873452⟩
  • Marie-Paule Bonnet, Neriane Nascimento Da Hora, Kevin Chapuis, Christophe Le Page, P. Bommel, et al.. Fishing in the Amazon: play first, negotiate later. Olivier Dangles, Marie-Lise Sabrié, Claire Fréour. Sustainability Science: Understand, co-construct, transform, 3, IRD Editions, 2024, UNDERSTAND, CO-CONSTRUCT, TRANSFORM. ⟨hal-04876868⟩
  • P. Bommel, Christophe Le Page. Rapport de mission à Parakou, Bénin, du 2 au 12 janvier 2024. Formation à la modélisation multi-agent pour des applications à la gestion intégrée des ressources naturelles.. CIRAD (Montpellier ; France). 2024, pp.13. ⟨hal-04474862⟩
  • Camille Jahel, Robin Bourgeois, Jérémy Bourgoin, Marie De Lattre-Gasquet, Christophe Le Page, et al.. The future of social-ecological systems at the crossroads of quantitative and qualitative methods. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023, 193, pp.122624. ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122624⟩. ⟨hal-04117097⟩
  • Neriane da Hora, Kevin Chapuis, Jôine Cariele Evangelista Do Vale, Gustavo Melo, Marie-Paule Bonnet, et al.. Harnessing the complexity of socio-ecosystems to design games as "viable metaphors": lessons from a case study in the lower Amazon floodplain fisheries. ISAGA 2023, Simulation and gaming for social and environmental transitions, Nicolas Bécu, Jul 2023, La Rochelle, France. pp.399-410. ⟨hal-04871971⟩
  • Robin Bourgeois, Chloé Guerbois, Nicia Giva, Prisca Mugabe, Billy Mukamuri, et al.. Using anticipation to unveil drivers of local livelihoods in Transfrontier Conservation Areas: A call for more environmental justice. People and Nature, 2023, 5 (2), pp.726-741. ⟨10.1002/pan3.10446⟩. ⟨hal-04010045⟩
  • Jean-Marc Barbier, Caroline Tardivo, Sylvestre Delmotte, Roberto Cittadini, Laure Hossard, et al.. How to intensify collaboration in a participatory modelling process to collectively design and evaluate new farming systems. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 2023, 18 (4), ⟨10.4081/ija.2023.2214⟩. ⟨hal-04490481⟩
  • Delphine Laurant, Fabien Stark, Christophe Le Page, Emilie Rousselou, Didier Bazile. Linking organizational and technical dimensions to design integrated collective farms: a case study in Camargue, France. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2023, 43 (4), pp.48. ⟨10.1007/s13593-023-00899-4⟩. ⟨hal-04197379⟩
  • Tayan Raj Gurung, Christophe Le Page, Guy Trébuil. Collaborative Modeling and Simulation to Mitigate High-Elevation Rangeland Degradation in Eastern Bhutan. Mountain Research and Development, 2022, 42 (4), ⟨10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-21-00067⟩. ⟨hal-03985173⟩