Sand Christophe
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9 documents
- Daniel Gimenez, Arnauld Heuret, Jean-Lucien Sanchez, Christophe Sand. Pour une inscription des bagnes de Guyane et de Nouvelle-Calédonie à la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. In Situ : Revue des patrimoines, 2022, 48. ⟨hal-03773250⟩
- Christophe Sand, Frédérique Valentin. De Roi Mata aux Marae polynésiens : José Garanger, océaniste de la diversité archéologique.. Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress. (Archaeopress 2021), 2021. ⟨hal-03467203⟩
- Aymeric Hermann, Frédérique Valentin, Christophe Sand, Emilie Nolet (Dir.). Networks and Monumentality in the Pacific. Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress. 2020. ⟨hal-03362675⟩
- Frédérique Valentin, Christophe Sand. Mummification of the human body as a vector of social link: the case of Faténaoué (New Caledonia). Archaeologies of Island Melanesia: Current approaches to landscapes, exchange and practice, 2019. ⟨hal-02862444⟩
- Juan Daza, Aaron Bauer, Christophe Sand, Ian Lilley, Thomas Wake, et al.. Reptile Remains from Tiga (Tokanod), Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia. Pacific Science, 2015, 69 (4), pp.531-557. ⟨10.2984/69.4.8⟩. ⟨halshs-02778753⟩
- Emmanuel Dartois, Cecile Engrand, Rosario Brunetto, Jean Duprat, Thomas Pino, et al.. Interstellar and interplanetary carbonaceous solids in the laboratory. Geochemical Journal -Japan-, 2014, 48, pp.511-518. ⟨10.2343/geochemj.2.0330⟩. ⟨hal-01086390⟩
- Anne Di Piazza, Erik Pearthree, Christophe Sand (Dir.). At the heart of ancient societies. Département archéologie (Nouméa), 225 p., 2008. ⟨hal-00412202⟩
- Christophe Sand, Hélène Valladas, Hélène Cachier, Nadine Tisnerat-Laborde, Maurice Arnold, et al.. Oceanic rock art: first direct dating of prehistoric stencils and paintings from New Caledonia (Southern Melanesia). Antiquity, 2006, 80 (309), pp.523-529. ⟨10.1017/S0003598X0009400X⟩. ⟨hal-02470570⟩
- Frédérique Valentin, Christophe Sand. Archéologie des morts. Etudes anthropologiques de squelettes préhistoriques en Nouvelle-Calédonie. 2000. ⟨hal-02862498⟩