Recherche sur le foncier rural au Sud Structurer Valoriser Dynamiser

Venot Jean-Philippe

Communications des JTF

Sur HAL :

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75 documents

  • Jean-Philippe Venot, Amandine Hertzog Adamczewski, Ali Daoudi, Sidy Mohammed Seck. Pour une analyse socio-matérielle du foncier irrigué. Cahiers Agricultures, 2024, 33, pp.35. ⟨10.1051/cagri/2024032⟩. ⟨hal-04867930⟩
  • Christina Anna Orieschnig, Jean-Philippe Venot. The history of hydrological studies on the Mekong floodplains – from colonial experiments to computational models. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2024, 69 (16), pp.2391-2404. ⟨10.1080/02626667.2024.2420866⟩. ⟨hal-04852255⟩
  • Léo Biré, Jean-Philippe Venot. Conceiving and implementing participation: a case study on GAMA and Cormas. GAMA Days 2024, Nov 2024, Online, France. ⟨ird-04889489⟩
  • Rozemarijn ter Horst, Rossella Alba, Jeroen Vos, Maria Rusca, Jonatan Godinez-Madrigal, et al.. Making a case for power-sensitive water modelling: a literature review. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2024, 28 (17), pp.4157-4186. ⟨10.5194/hess-28-4157-2024⟩. ⟨hal-04712688⟩
  • Jean-Philippe Venot. Chapitre 4. L'irrigation vue du ciel : fascination et engagement critique vis-à-vis de la télédétection. QUAE. Récits de recherche sur l’eau dans un monde interdisciplinaire, QUAE, 2024, Indisciplines. ⟨hal-04852278⟩
  • Lola Richelle, Alain A. Brauman, Bruno Romagny, Jean-Philippe Venot, Dominique Masse, et al.. A reflexive collaborative workshop on agroecology narratives and researcher’s postures (slideshow). Systemic change for Sustainable Futures - 15. IFSA Conference, International Farming System Association (IFSA), Jun 2024, Trapani, Italy. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.12733006⟩. ⟨hal-04646577⟩
  • Ève Bureau-Point, Jean-Philippe Venot, Sreytouch Heourn. Tailor-Made Pesticides. Understanding the Pesticides Market in a Productive Agricultural Region of the Cambodian Mekong Delta. Global Environment, 2024, 17 (2), pp.311-347. ⟨10.3828/whpge.63837646622493⟩. ⟨hal-04621052⟩
  • Jean-Philippe Venot. Back to the Future? Engaging with Participatory Research in Political Ecology. 2024. ⟨hal-04852289⟩
  • Jean-Philippe Venot, William's Daré, Etienne Delay, Sreytouch Heourn, Lamphin Lor, et al.. Influence at the margin: Participation and water infrastructure in the Cambodian Mekong delta. QUAE. Transformative Participation for Socio-Ecological Sustainability. Around the CoOPLAGE pathways, QUAE, 2024. ⟨hal-04852337⟩
  • Jean-Philippe Venot, Ali Daoudi, Sidy Mohamed Seck, Amandine Hertzog Adamczewski. Irrigated Land Tenure: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development. Cahiers Agricultures, 2024. ⟨hal-04966348⟩