Le Page Christophe
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96 documents
- G. Abrami, Didier Bazile, Guy Trebuil, Christophe Le Page, F. Bousquet, et al.. Accompagner les décisions collectives pour la gestion des systèmes semenciers : bilan de deux expériences. Agrobiodiversités, colloque international sur la gestion des ressources génétiques en zone de savanes d'Afrique de l'Ouest, Bamako (MLI), 15-18 mai 2007, 2007. ⟨hal-02590432⟩
- A. Bah, Ibra Toure, Christophe Le Page, Alexandre Ickowicz, A.T. Diop. An agent-based model to understand the multiple uses of land and resources around drillings in Sahel.. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2006, 44 (5-6), pp.513-534. ⟨10.1016/j.mcm.2005.02.014⟩. ⟨hal-02667161⟩
- Martine Antona, Sigrid Aubert, Cécile Barnaud, Olivier Barreteau, Nicolas Becu, et al.. Modélisation d'accompagnement. Modélisation et simulation multi-agents. Applications pour les Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société, Lavoisier Editions ; Hermes Science Publications, 2006, Collection Science Informatique et SHS, 2-7462-1310-9. ⟨hal-02822704⟩
- Marie M. Houdart, M. Bonin, Christophe Le Page, Myriam Fort, F. Saudubray. SIG, chorèmes et systèmes multi-agent : évolution d'un système rural martiniquais et pression polluante. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2005, 15 (3), pp.339-356. ⟨hal-02586680⟩
- Michel Etienne, Christophe Le Page, Mathilde Cohen. A step-by-step approach to building land management scenarios based on multiple viewpoints on multi-agent system simulations. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2003, 6 (2), pp.2. ⟨hal-02675430⟩
- T. Lynam, F. Bousquet, Christophe Le Page, P. d'Aquino, Olivier Barreteau, et al.. Adapting science to adaptive managers: spidergrams, belief models, and multi-agent systems modeling. Integrated Natural Resource Management : linking Productivity, the Environment and Development, CAMPBEL B.M., SAYER J.A., 2003, pp.157-174. ⟨hal-02582752⟩
- L. Lardon, Jean-Philippe Steyer, Christophe Le Page, Nicolas Bernet. Modélisation par système multi-agents d'un biofilm de digestion anaérobie. SIMO 2002, Oct 2002, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-02762276⟩
- M. Etienne, Christophe Le Page. Modelling contrasted management behaviours of stakeholders facing a pine encroachment process: an agent-based simulation approach. IEMSS 2002, Jun 2002, Lugano, Switzerland. ⟨hal-02759385⟩
- F. Bousquet, Olivier Barreteau, P. d'Aquino, M. Etienne, S. Boissau, et al.. Multi-Agent Systems and Role Games: collective learning processes for ecosystem management. Complexity and Ecosystem Management: The Theory and Practice of Multi-agent Systems, JANSSEN, M.A., 2002, pp.248-285. ⟨hal-02582720⟩
- T. Lynam, F. Bousquet, Christophe Le Page, P. d'Aquino, Olivier Barreteau, et al.. Adapting Science to Adaptive Managers: Spidergrams, Belief Models, and Multi-agent Systems Modeling. Conservation Ecology (Online), 2002, 5 (2), pp.14. ⟨hal-02580378⟩