Recherche sur le foncier rural au Sud Structurer Valoriser Dynamiser

Méral Philippe

Communications des JTF

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73 documents

  • Philippe Méral, D. Pesche (Dir.). Les services écosystémiques : repenser les relations nature et société. Quae, 304 p., 2016, Nature et Société, 978-2-7592-2469-2. ⟨hal-03543170⟩
  • Estienne Rodary, Marie Bonnin, Cécile Bidaud, Philippe Méral. L’influence des services écosystémiques sur les aires protégées. Méral Philippe; Pesche Denis. Les services écosystémiques. Repenser les relations nature et société, Editions Quæ, pp.229-248, 2016, Nature et société, 978-2-7592-2469-2. ⟨hal-02569961⟩
  • Géraldine Froger, Sophie Ménard, Philippe Méral. Towards a comparative and critical analysis of biodiversity banks. Ecosystem Services, 2015, 15, pp.152 - 161. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.11.018⟩. ⟨hal-01631271⟩
  • Géraldine Froger, Valérie Boisvert, Philippe Méral, Jean-François Le Coq, Armelle Caron, et al.. Market-Based Instruments for Ecosystem Services between Discourse and Reality: An Economic and Narrative Analysis. Sustainability, 2015, 7 (9), pp.11595-11611. ⟨10.3390/su70911595⟩. ⟨hal-01326661⟩
  • Sophie Clot, Fano Andriamahefazafy, Gilles Grolleau, Lisette Ibanez, Philippe Méral. Compensation and Rewards for Environmental Services 1 (CRES) and efficient design of contracts in developing countries: behavioral insights from a natural field experiment. Ecological Economics, 2015, 113, pp.85-96. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.02.021⟩. ⟨hal-01506387⟩
  • Coralie Calvet, Claude Napoleone, Jean-Michel Salles, Syndhia Mathé, Hélène Rey-Valette, et al.. Ecosystem Services and Institutional Dynamics. 2015. ⟨hal-03023959⟩
  • Marie Hrabanski, Géraldine Froger, Sophie Ménard, Philippe Méral. Towards an institutional analysis of biodiversity offsets. 7th Annual Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference, Local action for the common good: session Looking beyond PES: co-investment and institutional alternatives for ES provision at the landscape level, San Jose, 8-12 Septembre 2014, 2014, San José, Costa Rica. ⟨hal-03072868⟩
  • Cécile Bidaud, Marie Hrabanski, Philippe Méral. New indicators to measure Biodiversity ? Comparison of biodiversity offset programs implemented by two mining companies in Madagascar. Wellbeing and equity within planetary boundaries, International Society for Ecological Economics, Reykjavik, 13-15 Août 2014, 2014, Reykjavík, Iceland. ⟨hal-03072867⟩
  • Sophie Ménard, Marie Hrabanski, Philippe Méral. Mining Offsets in Madagascar: How to settle the socioeconomic and environmental compromise ?. Wellbeing and equity within planetary boundaries, International Society for Ecological Economics, Reykjavik, 13-15 Aout 2014, 2014, Reykjavík, Iceland. 96 p. ⟨hal-03069460⟩
  • Valérie Boisvert, Philippe Méral, Géraldine Froger. Market-Based Instruments for Ecosystem Services: Institutional Innovation or Renovation?. Society and Natural Resources, 2013, 26 (10), pp.1122-1136. ⟨10.1080/08941920.2013.820815⟩. ⟨hal-02508921⟩