Méral Philippe
Communications des JTF
- 2018 - Conservation de la biodiversité et dispositifs fonciers au Cambodge: l’intervention de l’Etat et ses limites
- 2018 - Politiques de la biodiversité et dynamiques foncières : introduction
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73 documents
- Sophie Clot, Lisette Ibanez, Gilles Grolleau, Philippe Meral, Fano Andriamahefazafy. Payments for ecosystem services : can we kill two birds with one stone? A natural field experiment in Madagascar. 20. Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). INT., Jun 2013, Toulouse, France. 25 p. ⟨hal-01506361⟩
- Sophie Clot, Lisette Ibanez, Philippe Meral, Fano Andriamahefazafy. How mental accounting could bias PES programs: a natural field in Madagascar. 30. Journées de la Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA2013), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS). FRA., Jun 2013, Nice, France. 25 p. ⟨hal-01506385⟩
- Marie Hrabanski, Cécile Bidaud, Jean-François Le Coq, Philippe Méral. Environmental NGOs, policy entrepreneurs of market-based instruments for ecosystem services? A comparison of Costa Rica, Madagascar and France. Forest Policy and Economics, 2013, 37 (Décembre), pp.124-132. ⟨10.1016/j.forpol.2013.09.001⟩. ⟨hal-03062762⟩
- Philippe Méral, Cécile Bidaud, Denis Pesche, Jean-François Le Coq, Géraldine Froger. Institutional analysis of ecosystem services and their main application “payment for environmental services” what sociology and political sciences can bring to economic approaches?. 10th International conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics, ESEE 2013, 18-21 June 2013, Lille (France), 2013, Lille, France. ⟨hal-03072718⟩
- M. Carrière Stéphanie, Estienne Rodary, Philippe Méral, Georges Serpantie, Valérie Boisvert, et al.. Rio+20, biodiversity marginalized.. Conservation Letters, 2013, 6 (1), pp.6-11. ⟨hal-01581469⟩
- Roldan Muradian, Murat Arsel, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Fikret Adaman, Bernardo Aguilar, et al.. Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions. Conservation Letters, 2013, 6 (4), pp.274-279. ⟨10.1111/j.1755-263X.2012.00309.x⟩. ⟨hal-03067404⟩
- Cécile Bidaud, Philippe Méral, Fano Andriamahefazafy, Georges Serpantié, Louison Cahen-Fourot, et al.. Institutional and Historical Analysis of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Madagascar. Roldan Muradian; Laura Rival. Governing the Provision of Ecosystem Services, 4, Springer, 2013, Studies in Ecological Economics, 978-94-007-5175-0. ⟨hal-01374232⟩
- Jean-François Le Coq, Philippe Méral. Les paiements pour services environnementaux: Repères pour l'action, fiche n°6. [Rapport de recherche] Serena. 2013, 8 p. ⟨hal-03077377⟩
- Denis Pesche, Philippe Méral, Marie Hrabanski, Marie Bonnin. Ecosystem Services and Payments for Environmental Services : Two sides of the same Coin?. Muradian Roldan; Rival Laura. Governing the provision of Ecosystem Services, Springer, pp.67-86, 2012, ISBN 978-94-007--5175-0. ⟨hal-02372532⟩
- Géraldine Froger, Philippe Méral, Jean-François Le Coq, Olivier Aznar, Valerie Boisvert, et al.. Regards croisés de l'économie sur les services écosystémiques et environnementaux. VertigO : La revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 2012, 12 (3), 26 p. ⟨10.4000/vertigo.12900⟩. ⟨hal-03062270⟩